Kiwanis at Christmas

Making the Season Merry and Bright!

Kiwanis Santa House

A Seaford Tradition for more than 70 years!

It’s time for kids to make their lists,

and check them twice!

Meet Santa Claus in the same house where he has greeted children for generations!

The house returns to the Mt. Olivet Parking Lot starting the day after the Christmas Parade. See poster for details.


Drive-Thru Christmas Lights!

Same Lights, New Location

The Seaford Kiwanis Club, Seaford High School Key Club, and Seaford Middle School Builders Club return this year to help with the Drive Thru Christmas Light Spectacular.

Kiwanis Christmas Party for Underprivileged Children, 1937

Doing More for Children

The Kiwanis Club of Seaford has a long tradition of serving our community during the holiday season. In addition to the events listed above, the club also participates in:

Operation Warm

A national program that provides new winter coats to Seaford School District students of all ages.

Christmas Shopping

Kiwanians work with local charities to purchase holiday gifts for struggling families with children.

Photo: Kiwanis Christmas Dinner for Children, 1937

The Kiwanis Club of Seaford

PO Box 1017, Seaford, Delaware 19973

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